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Read here about the cytoskeleton in terms of its tensegrity structure.


The cytoskeleton is the internal structure of the cell. It may be modeled using tensegrity concepts. Though this model is not accepted as a mainstream description of the cytoskeleton, it is gaining ground and offers some advantages over other models.

Separating tension and compression elements is very helpful for bioinformatic parsing of the organelle. "The membrane, intermediate, and actin filaments of a living cell's framework are crucial in achieving structural integrity and morphing shape capabilities as well as allowing for its sensing, control, and information transmitting functions" [3]


It has been demonstrated that tubulin, one of the components of the cytoskeleton, is stiff, and actin, another component is a tensioner. Ingber [1] uses the tensegrity arrays as [describes Synergetics, section 784], (although Ingber is a bit fuzzy on details). [2]


Integrin is an important component of the cytoskeleton's tensegrity structure.

Links and References

For more information, see the page on Ingber.

[1] Ingber, D. E. (1993). Cellular tensegrity: Defining new rules of biological design that govern the cytoskeleton. Journal of Cell Science, 104 ( Pt 3), 613-27. [2] Levin, writing to Geodesic listserv, 25 Feb 2010 [3] Cornel Sultan upon being awarded NSF CAREER prize.