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Read here about space, the boundless extent in which objects and events occur. For reading about outer space, the areas beyond Earth's atmosphere, see space exploration.

Space in Tensegrity

Space in tensegrity can be considered from three primary analytical perspectives: standard mathematics and engineering, R. B. Fuller's synergetic-energetic geometry, and Sheldrake and others' activated or morphological field space.

Tensegrity Space in Standard Mathematics

Space from this perspective begins with the classic three linear dimensions of the Cartesian coordinate system, although modern physicists usually consider space, with time, to be part of a boundless four-dimensional continuum known as spacetime. It can be extended to different numbers of dimensions in order to discover different underlying structures.

In engineering, this concept of space is considered to be of fundamental importance to an understanding of the physical universe. There is no other accepted description that is used in the deployment and verification of public works.

Tensegrity Space in Synergetic-Energetic Geometry

R. B. Fuller argued for against the standard delineation of space, and proposed instead a geometric and energetically based understanding stemming from gemoetrical experience with tensegrities and the behavior of polyhedra. Fuller never outlined his method in a single formal work; for more information on the general approach see Synergetics.

Tensegrity Space and Morphological Fields

Sheldrake and others argue that space is not a fixed entity, but that it has properties and "habits."