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Wiki Upgrade 2022
The Tensegrity Wiki team has begun the 2022 upgrade project. Click this page to read about it: Project_2021 If you are a contributor, send your consent to
Tensegrity Challenge 2020!
Tensegrity LEGO, Tables, Origami, Dragons, 3D Printed Custom and more! Amazing new creations by everyone who is locked down! Upload your latest work here.
Much more on this page,
Welcome, readers of the book "Biotensegrity;" enjoy our new Portal to Biotensegrity.
Biotensegrity by Graham Scarr book cover [1]
What is tensegrity?
Tensegrity is the way the world organizes itself. Build or buy a model and experience it yourself!
Why learn about it?
Whatever your goal in life, it's good to understand how the world works. Tensegrity, discovered about 60 years ago, is a new way of understanding forces at play. Whether you are building a business, designing household objects, building robots, or trying to live sustainably in a resource-challenged world, tensegrity offers innovative ways of thinking about how parts and wholes interact.
What is Tensegrity Wiki, The Encyclopedia of Tensegrity?
This website is a wiki dedicated to exploring the field of tensegrity, a subset of energetic-synergetic geometry. It is intended to use the "power of crowds" to fine-tune and make available accurate knowledge about tensegrities. This includes all aspects of tensegrity including structural tensegrity sculptures, dynamically adjusting tensegrity robotics, biotensegrity as expressed in cellular mechanics, biotensegrity as expressed in mammalian anatomical fascial/bone structure, tensegrity therapy as a set of mind-body practices, tensegrity as it illuminates ancient philosophies of harmony, music and dance inspired by tensegrity, and so on.
How do I get started?
Dive into one of our categories, which organize the entries into themes, or access one of our most popular pages: Chronology of Tensegrity, Bridge, 3 struts, Icosahedron, Bicycle Wheel, How To Build A 30 Strut Soda Straw Dodecahedron, How To Build A 3 Strut Copper Base for a Table, Furniture, Arch.
Or write your own entry!
Who can contribute?
- University students using the wiki in their studies
- Anyone.
- Language? A lot of important work in tensegrity is being conducted as tenségrité (French), tensegridad (Spanish), Tensintegro (Italian), טנסגריטי (Hebrew). But multi-language support is not enabled on this wiki. For now, let's store articles in other languages along with the English ones.
- Questions? Contact tensegritywiki at gmail, the Wiki moderator.
Related Sites
- Blog on Blogspot:
- Videos on YouTube:
- Pins on Pinterest: [2]
- Buzz on Twitter:
- Documents on Scribd:
- PowerPoints on SlideShare:
- Friends on FaceBook:!/profile.php?id=100000762765238
- Group on FaceBook:!/group.php?gid=109819539042844
- Photos on Flickr:] or
- Projects on Behance: [3]
- Procedures at Instructables: [4]
- Experiments
- Google group, if we need it. [5]
Architecture | Art & Design | Basic Concepts | Becoming Bucky | Biotensegrity | Cellular Biology | History | Languages | Mathematics | Model Making | People | Philosophy | Polyhedra | Robotics | Software | Structural Anatomy
Alphabetical list of articles
10 struts | 11 struts | 12 Strut Chair by Rasmussen | 12 struts | 15 struts | 2 Struts | 21 Struts | 270 struts | 3 Strut Stool by Passi | 3 Struts | 30 struts | 3D Printing | 4 Struts | 4D Geometry | 5 struts | 6 Strut Robot | 6 Strut Suspended Chair by ETS | 6 struts | 60 Struts | 7 Struts | 8 struts | 9 Struts | 90 struts | 92 Prism Tensegrity | 99 Failures Pavilion by University of Tokyo | 99 Failures Pavilion Photo Gallery | Achkov, Konstantin | ADAM Collapsible Truss System | Agogino, Alice | Agostini, Angelo | Akke Functional Art | Alexy, Christian | Anatomy Trains | AngeloAgostini | Angle | Animals | Arch | Arithmetization | Assur Truss | Atelier Architecture | Augmented Reality | Barcelona Tensegrity Tower | Bartosik, Michal Maciej | Becoming Bucky Fuller by Lorance | Behzadipour, Saeed | Benefits of Tensegrity | BEST Lab, Berkeley California | Bicycle | Bicycle wheel | Biot Tensegrity Robot | Biotensegrity | Birth | Black Mountain College | Blood | Blur Building by Diller & Scofidio | Bolitho, Jonathan | Bone | Bragdon, Claude | Bridge | Buchanan, Will | Buckminsterfullerene | Burkhardt, Robert | Burning Man | CAD | Cardboard Model Building | Castaneda, Carlos | Cells, Biological | Chronology of Tensegrity | Clar, James | Clothing | Code Aster | Collins, William | Compression | Connelly, Robert | Constructivism | Cretu, Simona-Mariana | Cube | Cuboctahedron | Cuthbert, Robby | Cylindrical Coordinates | Cytoskeleton | de Jong, Gerald | Definitions of Tensegrity | Della Sala, Francesco | Deployable Structures | Di Carlo, Biagio | Distance Geometry | DNA | Dodecahedron | Dynamics | Earnhardt, Phil | Elbow | Emmerich, David Georges | Fabric | Finite Element Method | Flemons, Tom | Floating | Floor | Folding | Force | Frame | Fuller's Two Volume Synergetics | Fuller, Margaret | Fuller, R. B. Timeline | Fuller, Richard Buckminster | Furniture | Geodesic Dome | Glass | Graph | Gridshell LEDs | Guimberteau, Jean Claude | Hamilton, Bruce | Hanaor, Ariel | Hart, George | Hirai, Shinichi | Hogden, Lee | Holidays | How To Build A 3 Strut Copper Base for a Table | How To Build A 3 Strut Hammock Stand | How To Build A 30 Strut Soda Straw Dodecahedron | How To Build A 3x5 Tensegrity Tower by de Jong | Howard, T. C | Humor | Icosahedron | Icosahedron WIth Mitch Amiano's Connectors | Ingber, Donald A | Inox | integrins | Ioganson, Karl | Jakob Tensegrity Torus | Jewelry | Jitterbug | Kenner, Hugh | Kite | Korkmaz, Sinan | Kreze, Luka | Kurilpa Bridge | La Plata Stadium | Le Ricolais, Robert | Lego | Levin, Stephen M | Lighting Fixture | Lightness | Lorance, Loretta | Lungs | Magic Passes | Mapping solid polyhedra to tensegrity structures | Margaret Fuller Book by Marshall | Martin, Arnold | Mast | Mechanobiology | membrane | Mesh Bag as Tension Network | Moods | MOOM Pavillion | Movement Therapy | Musical Instruments | Musil, Josef | Myers, Tom | NASA | NASA Tensegrity Robotics Toolkit | Needle Tower | Nexorade | Octahedron | Omnidirection | Online Applications | Opposition | Otto, Frei | Pars, Marcelo | Pavilion | Pelvis | Photonium, Tower of Light by Snelson | Plane | Pneumatics | Pope, Theodore | Prairie House by Orambra | prestress | Prism | Prosthetics | Qball, 12 Curved Strut Tensegrity | Rhode-Barbarigos, Landolf | Rhombic Dodecahedron | RIMOSA Tensegrity Sculptures Program | Robotics | Rossiter, Adrian | Santiago Radio Tower | scaffold | scale | Scarr, Graham | Shade Structure | Shai, Offer | shear | Sils, Juris | Skelton, Robert | Skew | Skwish | Skylon | Smith, Winston | Snelson Stool by Weller | Snelson, Kenneth | Space | Space Exploration | Specific Strength | Spine | Springs | Stability | Stairway | Stavrev, Val | Stella Octangula | Sterk, Tristan D'estree | Stiffness | Stress | Strut | Strut Effect | Strut, Curved | Strut, Hoop | Strut, Linear | Strut, Materials | Strut, Nucleated | Strut, Ring | SunSpiral, Vytas | Super Ball Bot | Suspended Bridge by Paradiso | Synergetics | Synergetics Dictionary | t-icosa | Taffgoch | Tendon | Tendon, Materials | Tensairity | Tensegridad (Spanish) | Tensegrita (Italian) | Tensegriteam | Tensegriteit (Dutch) | Tensegritoy | Tensegrity | Tensegrity (Czech) | Tensegrity (German) | Tensegrity Goes Blob by Trier University | Tensegrity Goes Blob Photo Gallery | Tensegrity Lights by Bartosik | Tensegrity Pavilion AA School 2010 | Tensegrity Tower by Ondrej Otypka | Tensegrity, Etymology | Tensegrity, Portfolio and Art News Annual 1961 | Tension | Tension Pavilion 2016 | Tension Pavilion 2016 Photo Gallery | Tent | Tetrahedron | Textiles as Tension Technology | Tomassian, Raffi | Torus | Tree | Tricontahedron | Tuning | Twist Angle | Tyler, Tim | Underwood Pavilion by Riether, Wit, Putt | Underwood Pavilion Photo Gallery | v-expander | Van Dokkum, Onno | Videos | Wall | Warnow Tower | Warren, John | Weaving | Wheelchair | Whiteley, Walter | Winch | Wire Roap | Wroldsen, Anders Sunde | X Tensegrity | Yin Yang | You Can Touch This | Young's Modulus | Your Private Sky Books | Zhang, Jingyao